PeakSegDisk 2024.10.1 (2024-10-02)
- src/interface.cpp error -> Rf_error for compilation without remap, thanks CRAN.
PeakSegDisk 2023.11.27 (2023-11-28)
- remove extra Rprintf args from funPieceListLog.cpp to silence compilation warning on CRAN: funPieceListLog.cpp:1039:17: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
PeakSegDisk 2023.9.4 (2023-09-06)
- Un-exported fun arg docs, to avoid CRAN NOTE.
- multiprocess -> multisession.
PeakSegDisk 2020.8.13 (2020-08-14)
- DESCRIPTION: https for URL/BugReports, Suggests: markdown.
PeakSegDisk 2019.12.9
- Various fixes to support paths with spaces and parens.
- fread(file=..) to avoid interpreting a file name with spaces as a command.
- fread.last calls normalizePath before shQuote, so that tilde is expanded to the home dir.
- fread.last works with paths containing spaces and parens.
PeakSegDisk 2019.12.2
- test/bugfix for PeakSegFPOP_vec, pen.num passed along to PeakSegFPOP_df instead of always using 10.5 for penalty.
PeakSegDisk 2019.9.27 (2019-11-18)
- db file may be specified.
PeakSegDisk 2019.9.10 (2019-09-11)
- Change-Point pkg title for CRAN.
- inlinedocs update \\t in Rd.
PeakSegDisk 2019.6.5
- do not write first up cost, which is undefined.
PeakSegDisk 2018.11.14
- export fread.first/last
- check for empty loss/timing files
PeakSegDisk 2018.10.31
- Use wc/nrows/skip in fread.first/last rather than fread("head/tail -1 file")
PeakSegDisk 2018.10.30
- PKG_LIBS in Makevars: remove -ldb_cxx -ldb, add -pthread
PeakSegDisk 2018.10.26
- add -ldb_cxx -ldb to Makevars for solaris.
- in SystemRequirements, link to source, name debian packages.
- cast log(int) to double, const DbException& e to avoid solaris warn/err.
PeakSegDisk 2018.10.25
- C++ code writes number of bedGraph lines to loss file.
- problem.PeakSegFPOP outputs two data.tables rather than three (timings and loss are combined).
PeakSegDisk 2018.09.28
- Forked from PeakSegPipeline.
- problem.PeakSegFPOP: before was checking start/end pos in segments file with start/end pos in directory name. Now checking first/last line in coverage.bedGraph. No longer import namedCapture.