Title: | Optimal Segmentation Subject to Up-Down Constraints |
Description: | Computes optimal changepoint models using the Poisson likelihood for non-negative count data, subject to the PeakSeg constraint: the first change must be up, second change down, third change up, etc. For more info about the models and algorithms, read "Constrained Dynamic Programming and Supervised Penalty Learning Algorithms for Peak Detection" <https://jmlr.org/papers/v21/18-843.html> by TD Hocking et al. |
Authors: | Toby Dylan Hocking [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2024.10.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-01 04:37:16 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/tdhock/peaksegoptimal |
This data set revealed a bug in the PeakSegPDPA solver: at one point it recovered a less likely model than PeakSegDP for McGill0091, 13 segments.
A data frame with 66713 observations on the following 5 variables.
Some test data sets for the Poisson PeakSeg Segment Neighborhood Algo.
A data frame with 18027 observations on 5 variables: cell.type, sample.id, chromStart, chromEnd, coverage.
Compute Oracle model complexity from paper of Cleynen et al.
oracleModelComplexity(bases, segments)
oracleModelComplexity(bases, segments)
bases |
bases |
segments |
segments |
numeric vector of model complexity values.
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
Find the optimal change-points using the Poisson loss and the
PeakSeg constraint. For N data points, the functional pruning
algorithm is O(N log N) time and memory. It recovers the exact
solution to the following optimization problem. Let Z be an
N-vector of count data (count.vec
, non-negative integers), let W
be an N-vector of positive weights (weight.vec
), and let penalty
be a non-negative real number. Find the N-vector M of real numbers
(segment means) and (N-1)-vector C of change-point indicators in
-1,0,1 which minimize the penalized Poisson Loss,
penalty*sum_[i=1]^[N_1] I(c_i=1) + sum_[i=1]^N
w_i*[m_i-z_i*log(m_i)], subject to constraints: (1) the first
change is up and the next change is down, etc (sum_[i=1]^t c_i in
0,1 for all t<N-1), and (2) the last change is down
0=sum_[i=1]^[N-1] c_i, and (3) Every zero-valued change-point
variable has an equal segment mean after: c_i=0 implies
m_i=m_[i+1], (4) every positive-valued change-point variable may
have an up change after: c_i=1 implies m_i<=m_[i+1], (5) every
negative-valued change-point variable may have a down change
after: c_i=-1 implies m_i>=m_[i+1]. Note that when the equality
constraints are active for non-zero change-point variables, the
recovered model is not feasible for the strict inequality
constraints of the PeakSeg problem, and the optimum of the PeakSeg
problem is undefined.
PeakSegFPOP(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), penalty = NULL)
PeakSegFPOP(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), penalty = NULL)
count.vec |
integer vector of length >= 3: non-negative count data to segment. |
weight.vec |
numeric vector (same length as |
penalty |
non-negative numeric scalar: |
List of model parameters. count.vec
, weight.vec
, n.data, penalty
(input parameters), cost.mat (optimal Poisson loss), ends.vec
(optimal position of segment ends, 1-indexed), mean.vec (optimal
segment means), intervals.mat (number of intervals stored by the
functional pruning algorithm). To recover the solution in terms of
(M,C) variables, see the example.
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) penalty <- 1000 fit <- PeakSegFPOP(count.vec, weight.vec, penalty) ## Recover the solution in terms of (M,C) variables. change.vec <- with(fit, rev(ends.vec[ends.vec>0])) change.sign.vec <- rep(c(1, -1), length(change.vec)/2) end.vec <- c(change.vec, fit$n.data) start.vec <- c(1, change.vec+1) length.vec <- end.vec-start.vec+1 mean.vec <- rev(fit$mean.vec[1:(length(change.vec)+1)]) M.vec <- rep(mean.vec, length.vec) C.vec <- rep(0, fit$n.data-1) C.vec[change.vec] <- change.sign.vec diff.vec <- diff(M.vec) data.frame( change=c(C.vec, NA), mean=M.vec, equality.constraint.active=c(sign(diff.vec) != C.vec, NA)) stopifnot(cumsum(sign(C.vec)) %in% c(0, 1)) ## Compute penalized Poisson loss of M.vec and compare to the value reported ## in the fit solution list. n.peaks <- sum(C.vec==1) rbind( n.peaks*penalty + PoissonLoss(count.vec, M.vec, weight.vec), fit$cost.mat[2, fit$n.data]) ## Plot the number of intervals stored by the algorithm. FPOP.intervals <- data.frame( label=ifelse(as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat))==1, "up", "down"), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(label ~ .)+ geom_line(aes(data, intervals), data=FPOP.intervals)+ scale_y_continuous( "intervals stored by the\nconstrained optimal segmentation algorithm")
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) penalty <- 1000 fit <- PeakSegFPOP(count.vec, weight.vec, penalty) ## Recover the solution in terms of (M,C) variables. change.vec <- with(fit, rev(ends.vec[ends.vec>0])) change.sign.vec <- rep(c(1, -1), length(change.vec)/2) end.vec <- c(change.vec, fit$n.data) start.vec <- c(1, change.vec+1) length.vec <- end.vec-start.vec+1 mean.vec <- rev(fit$mean.vec[1:(length(change.vec)+1)]) M.vec <- rep(mean.vec, length.vec) C.vec <- rep(0, fit$n.data-1) C.vec[change.vec] <- change.sign.vec diff.vec <- diff(M.vec) data.frame( change=c(C.vec, NA), mean=M.vec, equality.constraint.active=c(sign(diff.vec) != C.vec, NA)) stopifnot(cumsum(sign(C.vec)) %in% c(0, 1)) ## Compute penalized Poisson loss of M.vec and compare to the value reported ## in the fit solution list. n.peaks <- sum(C.vec==1) rbind( n.peaks*penalty + PoissonLoss(count.vec, M.vec, weight.vec), fit$cost.mat[2, fit$n.data]) ## Plot the number of intervals stored by the algorithm. FPOP.intervals <- data.frame( label=ifelse(as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat))==1, "up", "down"), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(label ~ .)+ geom_line(aes(data, intervals), data=FPOP.intervals)+ scale_y_continuous( "intervals stored by the\nconstrained optimal segmentation algorithm")
Find the optimal change-points using the Poisson loss and the
PeakSeg constraint. This function is a user-friendly interface to
the PeakSegFPOP
PeakSegFPOPchrom(count.df, penalty = NULL)
PeakSegFPOPchrom(count.df, penalty = NULL)
count.df |
data.frame with columns count, chromStart, chromEnd. |
penalty |
non-negative numeric scalar: |
List of data.frames: segments can be used for plotting the
segmentation model, loss summarizes the penalized PoissonLoss
feasibilty of the computed model.
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) sample.id <- "McGill0106" H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$count <- H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$coverage by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] penalty.constant <- 3000 fpop.fit <- PeakSegFPOPchrom(one.sample, penalty.constant) fpop.breaks <- subset(fpop.fit$segments, 1 < first) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_step(aes(chromStart/1e3, coverage), data=one.sample, color="grey")+ geom_segment(aes(chromStart/1e3, mean, xend=chromEnd/1e3, yend=mean), color="green", data=fpop.fit$segments)+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=chromStart/1e3), color="green", linetype="dashed", data=fpop.breaks) max.peaks <- as.integer(fpop.fit$segments$peaks[1]+1) pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, max.peaks) models <- pdpa.fit$modelSelection.decreasing models$PoissonLoss <- pdpa.fit$loss[paste(models$peaks), "PoissonLoss"] models$algorithm <- "PDPA" fpop.fit$loss$algorithm <- "FPOP" ggplot()+ geom_abline(aes(slope=peaks, intercept=PoissonLoss, color=peaks), data=pdpa.fit$loss)+ geom_label(aes(0, PoissonLoss, color=peaks, label=paste0("s=", peaks, " ")), hjust=1, vjust=0, data=pdpa.fit$loss)+ geom_point(aes(penalty.constant, penalized.loss, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=fpop.fit$loss)+ geom_point(aes(min.lambda, min.lambda*peaks + PoissonLoss, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=models)+ xlab("penalty = lambda")+ ylab("penalized loss = PoissonLoss_s + lambda * s")
library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) sample.id <- "McGill0106" H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$count <- H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$coverage by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] penalty.constant <- 3000 fpop.fit <- PeakSegFPOPchrom(one.sample, penalty.constant) fpop.breaks <- subset(fpop.fit$segments, 1 < first) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_step(aes(chromStart/1e3, coverage), data=one.sample, color="grey")+ geom_segment(aes(chromStart/1e3, mean, xend=chromEnd/1e3, yend=mean), color="green", data=fpop.fit$segments)+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=chromStart/1e3), color="green", linetype="dashed", data=fpop.breaks) max.peaks <- as.integer(fpop.fit$segments$peaks[1]+1) pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, max.peaks) models <- pdpa.fit$modelSelection.decreasing models$PoissonLoss <- pdpa.fit$loss[paste(models$peaks), "PoissonLoss"] models$algorithm <- "PDPA" fpop.fit$loss$algorithm <- "FPOP" ggplot()+ geom_abline(aes(slope=peaks, intercept=PoissonLoss, color=peaks), data=pdpa.fit$loss)+ geom_label(aes(0, PoissonLoss, color=peaks, label=paste0("s=", peaks, " ")), hjust=1, vjust=0, data=pdpa.fit$loss)+ geom_point(aes(penalty.constant, penalized.loss, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=fpop.fit$loss)+ geom_point(aes(min.lambda, min.lambda*peaks + PoissonLoss, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=models)+ xlab("penalty = lambda")+ ylab("penalized loss = PoissonLoss_s + lambda * s")
Find the optimal change-points using the Poisson loss and the
PeakSeg constraint. For N data points and S segments, the
functional pruning algorithm is O(S*NlogN) space and O(S*NlogN)
time. It recovers the exact solution to the following optimization
problem. Let Z be an N-vector of count data (count.vec
non-negative integers) and let W be an N-vector of positive
weights (weight.vec
). Find the N-vector M of real numbers (segment
means) and (N-1)-vector C of change-point indicators in -1,0,1
which minimize the Poisson Loss, sum_[i=1]^N
w_i*[m_i-z_i*log(m_i)], subject to constraints: (1) there are
exactly S-1 non-zero elements of C, and (2) the first change is up
and the next change is down, etc (sum_[i=1]^t c_i in 0,1 for all
t<N), and (3) Every zero-valued change-point variable has an equal
segment mean after: c_i=0 implies m_i=m_[i+1], (4) every
positive-valued change-point variable may have an up change after:
c_i=1 implies m_i<=m_[i+1], (5) every negative-valued change-point
variable may have a down change after: c_i=-1 implies
m_i>=m_[i+1]. Note that when the equality constraints are active
for non-zero change-point variables, the recovered model is not
feasible for the strict inequality constraints of the PeakSeg
problem, and the optimum of the PeakSeg problem is undefined.
PeakSegPDPA(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), max.segments = NULL)
PeakSegPDPA(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), max.segments = NULL)
count.vec |
integer vector of count data. |
weight.vec |
numeric vector (same length as |
max.segments |
integer of length 1: maximum number of segments (must be >= 2). |
List of model parameters. count.vec
, weight.vec
, n.data,
(input parameters), cost.mat (optimal Poisson loss),
ends.mat (optimal position of segment ends, 1-indexed), mean.mat
(optimal segment means), intervals.mat (number of intervals stored
by the functional pruning algorithm). To recover the solution in
terms of (M,C) variables, see the example.
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) max.segments <- 19L fit <- PeakSegPDPA(count.vec, weight.vec, max.segments) ## Recover the solution in terms of (M,C) variables. n.segs <- 11L change.vec <- fit$ends.mat[n.segs, 2:n.segs] change.sign.vec <- rep(c(1, -1), length(change.vec)/2) end.vec <- c(change.vec, fit$n.data) start.vec <- c(1, change.vec+1) length.vec <- end.vec-start.vec+1 mean.vec <- fit$mean.mat[n.segs, 1:n.segs] M.vec <- rep(mean.vec, length.vec) C.vec <- rep(0, fit$n.data-1) C.vec[change.vec] <- change.sign.vec diff.vec <- diff(M.vec) data.frame( change=c(C.vec, NA), mean=M.vec, equality.constraint.active=c(sign(diff.vec) != C.vec, NA)) stopifnot(cumsum(sign(C.vec)) %in% c(0, 1)) ## Compute Poisson loss of M.vec and compare to the value reported ## in the fit solution list. rbind( PoissonLoss(count.vec, M.vec, weight.vec), fit$cost.mat[n.segs, fit$n.data]) ## Plot the number of intervals stored by the algorithm. PDPA.intervals <- data.frame( segments=as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat)), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) some.intervals <- subset(PDPA.intervals, segments<data & 1<segments) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(segments ~ .)+ geom_line(aes(data, intervals), data=some.intervals)+ scale_y_continuous( "intervals stored by the\nconstrained optimal segmentation algorithm", breaks=c(20, 40))
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) max.segments <- 19L fit <- PeakSegPDPA(count.vec, weight.vec, max.segments) ## Recover the solution in terms of (M,C) variables. n.segs <- 11L change.vec <- fit$ends.mat[n.segs, 2:n.segs] change.sign.vec <- rep(c(1, -1), length(change.vec)/2) end.vec <- c(change.vec, fit$n.data) start.vec <- c(1, change.vec+1) length.vec <- end.vec-start.vec+1 mean.vec <- fit$mean.mat[n.segs, 1:n.segs] M.vec <- rep(mean.vec, length.vec) C.vec <- rep(0, fit$n.data-1) C.vec[change.vec] <- change.sign.vec diff.vec <- diff(M.vec) data.frame( change=c(C.vec, NA), mean=M.vec, equality.constraint.active=c(sign(diff.vec) != C.vec, NA)) stopifnot(cumsum(sign(C.vec)) %in% c(0, 1)) ## Compute Poisson loss of M.vec and compare to the value reported ## in the fit solution list. rbind( PoissonLoss(count.vec, M.vec, weight.vec), fit$cost.mat[n.segs, fit$n.data]) ## Plot the number of intervals stored by the algorithm. PDPA.intervals <- data.frame( segments=as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat)), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) some.intervals <- subset(PDPA.intervals, segments<data & 1<segments) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(segments ~ .)+ geom_line(aes(data, intervals), data=some.intervals)+ scale_y_continuous( "intervals stored by the\nconstrained optimal segmentation algorithm", breaks=c(20, 40))
Find the optimal change-points using the Poisson loss and the
PeakSeg constraint. This function is a user-friendly interface to
the PeakSegPDPA
PeakSegPDPAchrom(count.df, max.peaks = NULL)
PeakSegPDPAchrom(count.df, max.peaks = NULL)
count.df |
data.frame with columns count, chromStart, chromEnd. |
max.peaks |
integer > 0: maximum number of peaks. |
List of data.frames: segments can be used for plotting the
segmentation model, loss describes model loss and feasibility,
modelSelection.feasible describes the set of all linear penalty
(lambda) values which can be used to select the feasible models,
modelSelection.decreasing selects from all models that decrease
the Poisson loss relative to simpler models (same as PeakSegFPOP
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
## samples for which pdpa recovers a more likely model, but it is ## not feasible for the PeakSeg problem (some segment means are ## equal). sample.id <- "McGill0322" sample.id <- "McGill0079" sample.id <- "McGill0106" n.peaks <- 3 library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$count <- H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$coverage by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, 9L) pdpa.segs <- subset(pdpa.fit$segments, n.peaks == peaks) both.segs.list <- list(pdpa=data.frame(pdpa.segs, algorithm="PDPA")) pdpa.breaks <- subset(pdpa.segs, 1 < first) pdpa.breaks$feasible <- ifelse( diff(pdpa.segs$mean)==0, "infeasible", "feasible") both.breaks.list <- list(pdpa=data.frame(pdpa.breaks, algorithm="PDPA")) if(require(PeakSegDP)){ dp.fit <- PeakSegDP(one.sample, 9L) dp.segs <- subset(dp.fit$segments, n.peaks == peaks) dp.breaks <- subset(dp.segs, 1 < first) dp.breaks$feasible <- "feasible" both.segs.list$dp <- data.frame(dp.segs, algorithm="cDPA") both.breaks.list$dp <- data.frame(dp.breaks, algorithm="cDPA") } both.segs <- do.call(rbind, both.segs.list) both.breaks <- do.call(rbind, both.breaks.list) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(algorithm ~ ., scales="free")+ geom_step(aes(chromStart/1e3, coverage), data=one.sample, color="grey")+ geom_segment(aes(chromStart/1e3, mean, xend=chromEnd/1e3, yend=mean), color="green", data=both.segs)+ scale_linetype_manual(values=c(feasible="dotted", infeasible="solid"))+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=chromStart/1e3, linetype=feasible), color="green", data=both.breaks) ## samples for which pdpa recovers some feasible models that the ## heuristic dp does not. sample.id.vec <- c( "McGill0091", "McGill0107", "McGill0095", "McGill0059", "McGill0029", "McGill0010") sample.id <- sample.id.vec[4] one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, 9L) gg.loss <- ggplot()+ scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="black", "FALSE"="red"))+ scale_size_manual(values=c(cDPA=1.5, PDPA=3))+ scale_fill_manual(values=c(cDPA="white", PDPA="black"))+ guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(fill="black")))+ geom_point(aes(peaks, PoissonLoss, size=algorithm, fill=algorithm, color=feasible), shape=21, data=data.frame(pdpa.fit$loss, algorithm="PDPA")) if(require(PeakSegDP)){ dp.fit <- PeakSegDP(one.sample, 9L) gg.loss <- gg.loss+ geom_point(aes(peaks, error, size=algorithm, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=data.frame(dp.fit$error, algorithm="cDPA")) } gg.loss diff.df <- data.frame( PeakSegPDPA.loss=pdpa.fit$loss$PoissonLoss, PeakSegDP.loss=dp.fit$error$error, peaks=dp.fit$error$peaks) ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(peaks, PeakSegDP.loss - PeakSegPDPA.loss), data=diff.df)
## samples for which pdpa recovers a more likely model, but it is ## not feasible for the PeakSeg problem (some segment means are ## equal). sample.id <- "McGill0322" sample.id <- "McGill0079" sample.id <- "McGill0106" n.peaks <- 3 library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$count <- H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$coverage by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, 9L) pdpa.segs <- subset(pdpa.fit$segments, n.peaks == peaks) both.segs.list <- list(pdpa=data.frame(pdpa.segs, algorithm="PDPA")) pdpa.breaks <- subset(pdpa.segs, 1 < first) pdpa.breaks$feasible <- ifelse( diff(pdpa.segs$mean)==0, "infeasible", "feasible") both.breaks.list <- list(pdpa=data.frame(pdpa.breaks, algorithm="PDPA")) if(require(PeakSegDP)){ dp.fit <- PeakSegDP(one.sample, 9L) dp.segs <- subset(dp.fit$segments, n.peaks == peaks) dp.breaks <- subset(dp.segs, 1 < first) dp.breaks$feasible <- "feasible" both.segs.list$dp <- data.frame(dp.segs, algorithm="cDPA") both.breaks.list$dp <- data.frame(dp.breaks, algorithm="cDPA") } both.segs <- do.call(rbind, both.segs.list) both.breaks <- do.call(rbind, both.breaks.list) library(ggplot2) ggplot()+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(algorithm ~ ., scales="free")+ geom_step(aes(chromStart/1e3, coverage), data=one.sample, color="grey")+ geom_segment(aes(chromStart/1e3, mean, xend=chromEnd/1e3, yend=mean), color="green", data=both.segs)+ scale_linetype_manual(values=c(feasible="dotted", infeasible="solid"))+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=chromStart/1e3, linetype=feasible), color="green", data=both.breaks) ## samples for which pdpa recovers some feasible models that the ## heuristic dp does not. sample.id.vec <- c( "McGill0091", "McGill0107", "McGill0095", "McGill0059", "McGill0029", "McGill0010") sample.id <- sample.id.vec[4] one.sample <- by.sample[[sample.id]] pdpa.fit <- PeakSegPDPAchrom(one.sample, 9L) gg.loss <- ggplot()+ scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="black", "FALSE"="red"))+ scale_size_manual(values=c(cDPA=1.5, PDPA=3))+ scale_fill_manual(values=c(cDPA="white", PDPA="black"))+ guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(fill="black")))+ geom_point(aes(peaks, PoissonLoss, size=algorithm, fill=algorithm, color=feasible), shape=21, data=data.frame(pdpa.fit$loss, algorithm="PDPA")) if(require(PeakSegDP)){ dp.fit <- PeakSegDP(one.sample, 9L) gg.loss <- gg.loss+ geom_point(aes(peaks, error, size=algorithm, fill=algorithm), shape=21, data=data.frame(dp.fit$error, algorithm="cDPA")) } gg.loss diff.df <- data.frame( PeakSegPDPA.loss=pdpa.fit$loss$PoissonLoss, PeakSegDP.loss=dp.fit$error$error, peaks=dp.fit$error$peaks) ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(peaks, PeakSegDP.loss - PeakSegPDPA.loss), data=diff.df)
Find the optimal change-points using the Poisson loss and the PeakSeg constraint. This function is an interface to the C++ code which always uses -Inf for the first interval's lower limit and Inf for the last interval's upper limit – it is for testing the number of intervals between the two implementations.
PeakSegPDPAInf(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), max.segments = NULL)
PeakSegPDPAInf(count.vec, weight.vec = rep(1, length(count.vec)), max.segments = NULL)
count.vec |
integer vector of count data. |
weight.vec |
numeric vector (same length as |
max.segments |
integer of length 1: maximum number of segments (must be >= 2). |
List of model parameters. count.vec
, weight.vec
, n.data,
(input parameters), cost.mat (optimal Poisson loss),
ends.mat (optimal position of segment ends, 1-indexed), mean.mat
(optimal segment means), intervals.mat (number of intervals stored
by the functional pruning algorithm). To recover the solution in
terms of (M,C) variables, see the example.
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) max.segments <- 19L library(data.table) ic.list <- list() for(fun.name in c("PeakSegPDPA", "PeakSegPDPAInf")){ fun <- get(fun.name) fit <- fun(count.vec, weight.vec, max.segments) ic.list[[fun.name]] <- data.table( fun.name, segments=as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat)), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), cost=as.numeric(fit$cost.mat), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) } ic <- do.call(rbind, ic.list)[0 < intervals] intervals <- dcast(ic, data + segments ~ fun.name, value.var="intervals") cost <- dcast(ic, data + segments ~ fun.name, value.var="cost") not.equal <- cost[PeakSegPDPA != PeakSegPDPAInf] stopifnot(nrow(not.equal)==0) intervals[, increase := PeakSegPDPAInf-PeakSegPDPA] table(intervals$increase) quantile(intervals$increase) ic[, list( mean=mean(intervals), max=max(intervals) ), by=list(fun.name)]
## Use the algo to compute the solution list. library(PeakSegOptimal) data("H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1", envir=environment()) by.sample <- split(H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1, H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1$sample.id) n.data.vec <- sapply(by.sample, nrow) one <- by.sample[[1]] count.vec <- one$coverage weight.vec <- with(one, chromEnd-chromStart) max.segments <- 19L library(data.table) ic.list <- list() for(fun.name in c("PeakSegPDPA", "PeakSegPDPAInf")){ fun <- get(fun.name) fit <- fun(count.vec, weight.vec, max.segments) ic.list[[fun.name]] <- data.table( fun.name, segments=as.numeric(row(fit$intervals.mat)), data=as.numeric(col(fit$intervals.mat)), cost=as.numeric(fit$cost.mat), intervals=as.numeric(fit$intervals.mat)) } ic <- do.call(rbind, ic.list)[0 < intervals] intervals <- dcast(ic, data + segments ~ fun.name, value.var="intervals") cost <- dcast(ic, data + segments ~ fun.name, value.var="cost") not.equal <- cost[PeakSegPDPA != PeakSegPDPAInf] stopifnot(nrow(not.equal)==0) intervals[, increase := PeakSegPDPAInf-PeakSegPDPA] table(intervals$increase) quantile(intervals$increase) ic[, list( mean=mean(intervals), max=max(intervals) ), by=list(fun.name)]
Compute the weighted Poisson loss function, which is seg.mean
* log(seg.mean
). The edge case is when the mean is zero, in
which case the probability mass function takes a value of 1 when
the data is 0 (and 0 otherwise). Thus the log-likelihood of a
maximum likelihood segment with mean zero must be zero.
PoissonLoss(count, seg.mean, weight = 1)
PoissonLoss(count, seg.mean, weight = 1)
count |
count |
seg.mean |
seg.mean |
weight |
weight |
Toby Dylan Hocking <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
PoissonLoss(1, 1) PoissonLoss(0, 0) PoissonLoss(1, 0) PoissonLoss(0, 1)
PoissonLoss(1, 1) PoissonLoss(0, 0) PoissonLoss(1, 0) PoissonLoss(0, 1)