penaltyLearning 2024.9.3 (2024-10-02)
- change error() to Rf_error() for R-4.5 R_NO_REMAP.
penaltyLearning 2024.1.25 (2024-02-01)
- now ok to have length(models.vars)>1 (was an un-informative error 'length = 2' in coercion to 'logical(1)' in recent versions of R).
penaltyLearning 2023.8.31 (2023-09-06)
- update un-exported fun arg docs to avoid CRAN NOTE.
penaltyLearning 2021.4.21
- Stop with an error for non-finite predictions.
penaltyLearning 2019.12.3
- test/fix modelSelection for non-monotonic sequences of loss values.
penaltyLearning 2019.11.19
- labelError is OK with model columns that are missing.
penaltyLearning 2019.10.10
- stop with an error for IntervalRegressionCV(., unlogged.outputs).
- new args for IntervalRegressionCV including LAPPLY which defaults to future.apply::future_lapply but can be set to base::lapply for debugging.
- new notConverging data set and test.
- smaller crit before restarting with a larger Lipschitz in IntervalRegressionCV.
penaltyLearning 2019.5.16
- non-strict equality in while(crossing point >= previous breakpoint) to avoid zero-length intervals.
- additional tests for modelSelectionFwd.
penaltyLearning 2019.05.15
- Use modelSelectionFwd C algo for modelSelectionC R function.
- Fix featureMatrix/labelError/ROChange argument checks, if(logical vector length bigger than 1) was used and is now being checked in R-3.6.0.
penaltyLearning 2019.05.03
- modelSelectionFwd and modelSelectionQuadratic.
penaltyLearning 2019.04.18
- IntervalRegressionCV: informative reg.type undefined error.
penaltyLearning 2019.02.28
- set last_lambda=0 when popping.
penaltyLearning 2019.02.27
- import rather than Depend data.table
penaltyLearning 2018.10.23
- IntervalRegression* stops with an informative error if there are no upper/lower limits.
- Remove Remotes/Travis deps.
- ROChange now works when there are problems with no thresholds, e.g. the FPR/TPR does not change at all when varying the penalty from
penaltyLearning 2018.09.24
- labelError stops for unrecognized annotations.
penaltyLearning 2018.09.04 (2018-09-10)
- use future.apply::future_lapply.
penaltyLearning 2017.12.08 (2017-12-08)
- remove vignette to pass CRAN check.
penaltyLearning 2017.11.17
- In vignette, remove cghseg since it has memory problems, use Segmentor instead, with trivial 1 segment model when Segmentor fails.
- Remove cghseg from example(modelSelectionC).
- Don't use fullpage in vignette because that causes a NOTE on CRAN mac.
penaltyLearning 2017.07.12
- try to fix vignette by using cghseg:::segmeanCO instead of Segmentor.
penaltyLearning 2017.07.11 (2017-07-11)
- there is some problem with Segmentor3IsBack on windows, which crashes our vignette re-building in CRAN checks on solaris... not sure why but try to fix via adding tryCatch in vignette.
- Add ... passed from IntervalRegressionCV to IntervalRegressionRegularized.
penaltyLearning 2017.06.14 (2017-06-19)
- labelError bugfix and test case for no predicted changes.
- Simplify examples -- avoid running Segmentor since this crashes on new versions of R on windows.
penaltyLearning 2017.05.08 (2017-06-07)
- IntervalRegressionCV uses future instead of foreach.
penaltyLearning 2017.05.05
- corrections encountered while preparing tutorial,
- - theme_no_space() evaluated at runtime rather than theme_no_space which was evaluated at build time.
- - stop with an error if there are models that have the same number of changes -- this prevents problems for changepoint models, but prevents using the code with L1 regularized models (fused lasso).
- - stop with an error in targetIntervals if the errors column is not numeric. And return an errors column (the minimum number of incorrect labels).
penaltyLearning 2017.04.11
- prepare for CRAN submission: - convert to src/*.cpp files and register routines. - NULL variables to avoid CRAN checks about global variables. - vignette. - many more user-friendly error messages. - coefficients of IntervalRegression models are now returned on the original scale.
penaltyLearning 2017.03.24
- IntervalRegression S3 class with plot, print, and predict methods.
- largestContinuousMinimum C implementation.
- more informative error messages when arguments to R functions are not as expected.
- check for bigger/smaller data sets in ROChange and labelError.
- check for errors in C code and return with non-zero status.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.31
- labelError works when there are more models than labels, and gives an informative error when there are no corresponding models for a given label.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.21
- tests for peak model and for IntervalRegression functions.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.20
- IntervalRegression* functions.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.17
- labelError, targetIntervals, ROChange.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.13
- C solver for linear time modelSelection algorithm, interface via modelSelectionC function.
- modelSelectionR function with original quadratic time algorithm in R code.
- modelSelection which takes a data.frame as input instead of vectors, and uses modelSelectionC.
penaltyLearning 2017.01.12