1. animint2::ChromHMMiterations
    ChromHMM iterations
  2. animint2::FluView
  3. animint2::FunctionalPruning
    Functional Pruning Algorithm
  4. animint2::PeakConsistency
    Consistency of segmentation models in simulated Poisson peaks
  5. animint2::TestROC
    Test ROC curves
  6. animint2::UStornadoes
    Tornadoes in the United States from 1950 to 2012
  7. animint2::VariantModels
    Error rates of supervised learning methods for variant calling
  8. animint2::WorldBank
    Demographics by country from 1960 to 2012
  9. animint2::breakpoints
    The breakpointError of simulated signals
  10. animint2::change
    Graphical model structure change
  11. animint2::climate
    Climate data in central America from 1995 to 2000
  12. animint2::compare
    Testing rank and compare SVM on simulated patterns
  13. animint2::diamonds
    Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds
  14. animint2::economics
    US economic time series.
  15. animint2::economics_long
    US economic time series.
  16. animint2::faithfuld
    2d density estimate of Old Faithful data
  17. animint2::generation.loci
    Evolution simulation
  18. animint2::intreg
    Interval regression
  19. animint2::luv_colours
    'colors()' in Luv space.
  20. animint2::malaria
    Malaria parasite genome variants
  21. animint2::midwest
    Midwest demographics.
  22. animint2::mixtureKNN
    K-Nearest-Neighbors model of the mixture example data
  23. animint2::montreal.bikes
    Montreal bikes
  24. animint2::mpg
    Fuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for 38 popular models of car
  25. animint2::msleep
    An updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset.
  26. animint2::pirates
    Worldwide pirate attacks from 1978 to 2013
  27. animint2::presidential
    Terms of 11 presidents from Eisenhower to Obama.
  28. animint2::prior
    Class prior change
  29. animint2::prostateLasso
    Lasso model of the prostate cancer data set
  30. animint2::seals
    Vector field of seal movements.
  31. animint2::txhousing
    Housing sales in TX.
  32. animint2::vervet
    Vervet monkey intestinal microbiome
  33. animint2::worldPop
    World population by subcontinent
  34. aum::fn.not.zero
    Penalized models with non-zero fn at penalty=0
  35. aum::neg.zero.fp
    Negative zero FP
  36. directlabels::LOPART.ROC
    ROC curve for LOPART algorithm and competitors
  37. directlabels::LOPART100
    Labeled Optimal Partitioning (LOPART) results
  38. directlabels::SegCost
    Cost of segmentation models
  39. directlabels::iris.l1.cluster
    Clustering of the iris data with the l1 clusterpath
  40. directlabels::normal.l2.cluster
    Clustering of some normal data in 2d with the l2 clusterpath
  41. directlabels::odd_timings
    Odd timings
  42. directlabels::projectionSeconds
    Timings of projection algorithms
  43. directlabels::svmtrain
    False positive rates from several 1-SVM models
  44. FLOPART::Mono27ac
    H3K27ac ChIP-seq data from one Monocyte sample
  45. FLOPART::Mono27ac.simple
    Smaller H3K27ac ChIP-seq data from one Monocyte sample
  46. mlr3resampling::AZtrees
    Arizona Trees
  47. neuroblastoma::neuroblastoma
    Neuroblastoma copy number profiles and breakpoint annotations
  48. PeakSegDisk::ChIPreads
    Reads aligned to hg19 from two ChIP-seq experiments
  49. PeakSegDisk::Mono27ac
    A small ChIP-seq data set in which peaks can be found using PeakSegFPOP
  50. PeakSegDP::H3K36me3.AM.immune.19
    Several ChIP-seq profiles, some of which have few data points
  51. PeakSegDP::H3K36me3.TDH.other.chunk3.cluster4
    8 profiles of H3K36me3 data
  52. PeakSegDP::H3K4me3.TDH.immune.chunk12.cluster4
    Histone ChIP-seq data, 26 samples, chr1 subset
  53. PeakSegDP::chr11ChIPseq
    ChIP-seq aligned read coverage for 4 samples on a subset of chr11
  54. PeakSegDP::chr11first
    Counts of first base of aligned reads
  55. PeakSegJoint::H3K27ac.TDH.MMM4
    Some histone ChIP-seq data
  56. PeakSegJoint::H3K36me3.AM.immune.chunk21
    H3K36me3_AM_immune chunk 21
  57. PeakSegJoint::H3K36me3.TDH.other.chunk1
    H3K36me3 TDH other chunk 1
  58. PeakSegJoint::H3K4me3.PGP.immune.chunk2
    H3K4me3 PGP immune chunk 2
  59. PeakSegJoint::H3K4me3.TDH.other.chunk8
    H3K4me3_TDH_other chunk 8 subset
  60. PeakSegJoint::chr7.peaks
    chr7 peaks
  61. PeakSegJoint::demo.profiles
    Demo profiles
  62. PeakSegJoint::overflow.list
    Data set that caused integer overflow
  63. PeakSegJoint::peak.at.profile.end
    peak at profile end
  64. PeakSegJoint::peak1.infeasible
    data where the PeakSegJoint model with 1 peak is infeasible
  65. PeakSegOptimal::H3K4me3_PGP_immune_chunk24
    H3K4me3_PGP_immune ChIP-seq data set chunk 24
  66. PeakSegOptimal::H3K4me3_XJ_immune_chunk1
    H3K4me3_XJ_immune chunk 1
  67. penaltyLearning::demo8
    PeakSegFPOP demo data set
  68. penaltyLearning::neuroblastomaProcessed
    Processed neuroblastoma data set with features and targets
  69. penaltyLearning::notConverging
    Interval regression problem that was not converging
  70. penaltyLearning::oneSkip
  71. plotHMM::buggy.5states
    Buggy data with 5 states
  72. plotHMM::buggy.data
    Buggy data with one state